Violence against women and Iranian women’s rights, in the show “Le Mille e non una notte di più” (The Thousand and Not One Night More)
Rome, November 23rd, 2023 – Violence against women and the struggle of Iranian women: this is the focus of the show Le Mille e non una notte di più on the bill from November 23rd to 26th, in Rome, at the Teatro di Trastevere. The play by Silvia Bordi directed by Maria Sofia Palmieri, who stars in it with Michael Dodi and with Fabrizia Sorrentino will also see the participation of Freakybea, a pop rock singer-songwriter involved in the fight against violence against women.
A cry for women, from Persia to Iran
The Arabian Nights: Shaharazad fights for her life every evening by telling a tale to the sultan about her to avoid being beheaded.
Iran: a state whose government has long been governed by a bloody regime where the torture and killing of its citizens (women, men, children) is the order of the day if not actually the remedy and solution to every problem.
Violence against women: starting from the most recent events up to the chilling statistics where it has been calculated that, within this year 2023 alone, a femicide occurs every 72 hours. These are the 3 essential ingredients that led to the development of a strong theme in a show: Le Mille e non una notte di più – Un grido per le donne dalla Persia all’Iran (The Thousand and Not One Night More – A cry for women from Persia to Iran), a theatrical piece by Silvia Bordi. On stage in Rome, at the Teatro Trastevere from November 23rd to 26th, directed by Maria Sofia Palmieri, starring alongside Michael Dodi and Fabrizia Sorrentino.
Storytelling between oriental music, dances and songs
Within the show there are numerous participations by female artists, both in terms of active participation and in terms of stylistic and image related equipment. For the choreographic part, the dancers Paola Manca and Elisa Scapecchia with the Hafla Dancers dance troupe.
Freakybea, Italian pop rock singer-songwriter, will accompany the show for the singing part. The stylist and image curator is Petronilla Corsaro, alongside whom numerous brands and stylists have provided their support.
“I look in the mirror, not to know if I’m beautiful enough, but because it could be the last time. Every step on the stairs is a beat of life less for me.” Shahrazad is the protagonist and heroine who if she manages to survive she will also do so for the women who are mistreated, raped and killed every day at the hands of executioner men and a terribly sick society. In this show the figure of the Sultan is also questioned, from an aspect that highlights his vulnerability and inner torment. This duality of human perspective, of victim and perpetrator, male and female, can be an inspiration to find an inner balance and promote hope.
Freakybea: “Sono Tornata” (I’m Back), the song denounces violence against women
Freakybea will bring her song denouncing violence against women, awarded in 2022 for her social and cultural commitment. A song that celebrates revenge and redemption towards all those behaviors that absorb energy, dreams, hopes, esteem and trust, prolonged to the detriment of the female figure. The singer sinks her heart and hands into her personal experience of being a victim of this type of behavior and bearing the consequences for a long time.
Violence against women: a discussion table
On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, a discussion table will also be held with the participation of numerous figures involved in the issue. The singer Freakybea herself will bring her experience as a victim of violence by her ex-boyfriend.