When Vince was very young, from the historic center of Napoli, he left for the United States of America where he graduated with honor at the Musician Institute.
When he went back to Italy he began his professional career as a live musician and session player.
In 2011 he released his first solo album entitled No Words.
Three days before its publication 500 copies were sold without having hired any agency. Without having made use of any external promotional support.
Vince relied exclusively on his skills in the world of digital marketing applied to music and it took a short time to discover and exploit the potential that the web could offer to a musician.
He relied completely on his strength and knowledge. Being an attentive and very practical man he approaches things with enthusiasm.
Therefore he promoted his work through social networks and dedicating time and attention to his followers. Vince takes also great care to offer quality in every production.
A few years ago he decided to deepen and increase the teaching activity.
In 2014 he started as an entrepreneur by publishing specific contents on his website. He published the video course entitled “Suonare la chitarra Funk” (Playing the Funk Guitar).
Subsequently he published “La Chitarra Blues” (The Blues Guitar) and “La Pentatonica da Zero a 100” (The Pentatonic from Zero to 100), projects which consolidated his activity as a teacher more than he bargained for.
Vince is not a YouTuber but he is a professional, already established on the Italian national scene, who, through his courses and his live shows, has reached more than 13,000 subscribers.
Vince was one of the first Italian artists to use the YouTube platform to promote his profession which today keeps him even more busy with the new schedule. Those of Vince’s are not simple videos, they can be considered events, very participatory and dynamic. Interesting even for those who don’t play the guitar. In reality this could be a good excuse and certainly a pleasant and engaging way to approach the instrument!
During the period of the pandemic, he began to publish videos from the sofa at home that have evolved into a successful event, the Guitar Cafè, which today broadcasts live directly from his studio.
According to him, the key to the success of the Guitar Cafè is the way he approaches it, his attitude that does not leave you speechless.
On March 16th, the Guitar Cafè community turned 2 years old with hundreds of live broadcasts.
Happy Birthday Guitar Cafè!
IP- Do you define yourself as a YouTuber or a musician who uses technology as a means to teach music? –
VC – Definitely the second. In reality, the Tube is simply another medium. A platform where you publish material. I believe the ability to form the choice is lacking. Let me explain. In my opinion, those who “shape” cannot tell you that their product is better than another. But it must give you the critical sense to choose and understand who is selling you “smoke” and who is selling you quality. It must enable you to know perhaps not what is better or worse but what is most congenial to you.
I believe that the important position to take is precisely in this. Students no longer need the information because they have it all.
Instead of becoming academic trainers I believe as a teacher that is better train people to be able to choose well among the myriad of infinite offers on the network. –
IP – You have been a pioneer of distance learning in Italy. What are the benefits that more than 13 years ago led you to this choice? –
VC – By teaching online, I immediately had a chance that otherwise would have been missed. That is to be able to teach lessons even to students who live far away.
For example, I only have 2 Neapolitan students, the others are in the rest of Italy. If there was no opportunity to teach online my students would not be able to take advantage of my teaching. This is invaluable. –
IP – Can you tell us about the Guitar Cafè? –
VC – Guitar Cafè is live. It started during the pandemic and went live from my sofa 3 times a week.
The first 8 months or so were live dedicated exclusively to teaching. Then, given the positive response from users, I put up a schedule. There are 4 episodes a month, one a week. On Wednesdays. –
On March 16th Guitar Cafè turned 2 years old . They celebrated with a live broadcast in which all the people of the community participated and played. But Guitar Cafè is not music only. They tell anecdotes, share experiences and memories that always resurface thanks to music.
Every Wednesday is an event!
The schedule includes an educational video that he offers for free, then a free masterclass once a month. Then a live with a guest, then training courses on home recording (where people from the community participate live in the making), and on the fourth Wednesday of the month there is the amazing Guitar Cafè Jam session.
Once a month Vince produces a music track in order to make live productions together with followers and getting them partecipating live.
While taking advantage of the usefulness of the network Vince however periodically gather phisically with his followers and in addition to playing the guitar they materialize the virtual sociality.
VC – Last year I organized a gathering in a farmhouse for 2 days. All together eating and playing. Many also participated with their wives who had a lot of fun.
And so many also took the opportunity to spend a weekend in Napoli. Doubly satisfied! –
IP – What’s the secret of Guitar Cafè success? –
VC – Even if I have done many things, I mean professionally, people of 70 years old got so comfortable that they are not shy to record the jams. There is another important thing. In the community we never comment by saying “…You could have done like this or like that” but we focus on what we can take from any of us. This type of approach makes them feel comfortable. –
For next Fall Vince is organizing a 3-day campus An event that will also see the participation of guests. But there is more.
An important event is the 10th anniversary of No Words which he will celebrate with something special. A reinterpretation that goes beyond the music to become a complete artistic project. A story in pictures, a narration of the events that you will soon discover!