Vicarìa Tour 2023
Valerio Bruner in concert
(With the participation of exponents of the Neapolitan theatrical and musical artistic panorama)
Friday September 29th, 7 PM at La casa del Mandolino Napoletano (The House of Neapolitan Mandolin)
As part of the 2023/24 Music Theater Review, on the stage of La Casa del Mandolino Napoletano, Valerio Bruner, a multifaceted artist who has always combined his musical production with a taste for narrative writing and the desire to tell stories of profound humanity, in concert.
Bruner proposes his latest recording, Vicarìa, as part of the Vicarìa Tour 2023, an authentic, sincere tour, which is gathering numerous acclaim in the audiences of Campania and beyond.
La casa del Mandolino Napoletano, a space open to various musical, artistic and cultural initiatives. It is a Concert Hall, located in the heart of the city, in the historic center between the Duomo, Forcella, Corso Umberto, inaugurates the new season of events 2023/24, with a young and talented exponent of the Neapolitan musical and theatrical panorama, an authentic artist, linked to the history and traditions of our city from which he draws inspiration, stimuli and impulses, translating them with passion, study and stylistic research, into current, contemporary sounds and expressions .
“There are two Naples: one is daughter of light, the other one is forgotten, which hides in the folds and shadows of its alleys.”
This is the Naples into which Vicarìa, Valerio Bruner’s new album, delves. Naples of the last, the humble, the marginalized, the forgotten.
Passion, sincerity and honesty, unique mixture of beauty and grotesque, poetry and damnation, sacred and profane, all manifestations of that visceral, popular and entirely earthly religiosity which is a unique trait of the faith of the people who live in the shadow of mount Vesuvius. “Vicarìa is a journey into the most ancient and visceral, mysterious, hidden and merciless Naples.” Bruner explains.
A unique concert, enriched by the presence of exponents of the Neapolitan theatrical and musical artistic panorama, with Angela Rosa D’Auria, Il Befolko, Federa and Kethy Salzano taking part, offering theatrical and musical performances and poetry readings. An evening of Music, Art, Culture and Beauty.
More about Bruner
More about La casa del Mandolino Napoletano
More about the Event
Valerio Bruner in Concert
Friday September 29th at 7 PM
La casa del Mandolino Napoletano
Piazza Museo Filangieri, 247
Info and Reservations
Email: casadelmandolinonapoli@gmail.com
Telephone: +39 340 333 4674
+39 340 378 2113
Contribution for the concert €12
It is advisable to interface with the organizers for reservations and information.
Artistic direction: Adolfo Tronco
Public relations: Liliana Mastropaolo