At the Naples Garibaldi station the announcement of the 2024 edition of the Premio Penisola Sorrentina (Sorrento Peninsula Award), with an institutional wall poster dedicated to women which highlights their role and importance.
Naples, December 27th, 2023 – An institutional representation on both sides, with the profiles of the Mayor of Sorrento Massimo Coppola and the artistic director Mario Esposito. And then in the center are the portraits of some of the women awarded and protagonists of the 2023 edition of the Premio Penisola Sorrentina.
This is how the wall poster displayed for these holidays on the platform of the Naples Garibaldi station is structured, with which the organization of the Award announces the appointment for the 29th edition in 2024, and at the same time greets the outgoing 2023 with a tribute to women .
In a year marked by gender violence and feminicides, the Award intends, through the photographs of Alfonso Romano, to enhance the role of women as authentic protagonists of our time.
Witnesses of the cultural and social marketing campaign were the television hostess Alessandra Viero and the actresses Corinne Clery, Francesca Cavallin, Serena Iansiti.