Cristian had a family, children and a good job.
All of the sudden, in 2019, he was kicked out from his place due to false allegations of violence. Despite the fact that he proved his innocence and the falsity of the accusations, he lost the parental responsibility and he now cannot see his children.
During these years he has been the victim of absurd events, including assaults by people unknown to him.
In May, his salary was reduced to the bone. Even if he resisted for a long time in that condition, he was forced, in spite of himself, to resign.
In fact his payslips would amount to 75 euros, then increased to 341 euros. However with this little money he would not be able to pay for a place to stay. Also he would not be able to reach the workplace and be presentable at the same time.
He is going to live on the street.
He will ask for alms, where allowed, near institutional places and / or newsrooms, hoping for some explanation about why all this was done to him.
This is an incredible story that he can tell. And if you want he can meet you in person.
Follow him on the Facebook group Cari Figli Miei.
https: //www.facebook.com/groups/carifiglimiei
There is also a blog Cari Figli Miei (My Dear Children) and it is a social denunciation that he defines as a “protest,which he is doing by respecting values, politely but firm and decisive”. Initially Cristian believed to be the only one to suffer these injustices. Although his story reached many other parents who wrote to him and shared their experiences.
The stories of the fathers are similar to his experience. The stories of the mothers are different but also appear to be systematic. Cristian realized that he could be the victim of a precise system. A system that provides, with different strategies, schemes to trap both fathers and mothers. The victims are separated couples, those in difficulty, those who are most vulnerable.
Follow Cari Figli Miei and help to spread the reality of this terrible injustice. It could happen to anyone.
Help us to not let it happen again and save the children and their parents’ rights.