The most entertaining, engaging and educational Christmas show is back.
‘A Tombola Storica Napulitana d‘ ‘o 1734 a llengua napulitana (The Historic Neapolitan Tombola from 1734 in the Neapolitan language) is a show/game written by Davide Brandi which will be staged on the day of the Immaculate Conception (December 8th, 2022) at Palazzo Venezia in Spaccanapoli (via Benedetto Croce, 19 – Napoli) in three different times (Italian Time Zone):
Also very suitable for children, it will see on stage characters in 18th century clothes, the king (Charles of Bourbon); the queen (Maria Amalia of Saxony); Don Alvaro (the notary and Regent of the Vicar); the Minister Bernardo Tanucci; Father Gregorio Rocco (‘o Dominican); his faithful novice; Don Ferdinando ‘o masto ‘e festa(the MC) and his assistant (Salvatore); and then nobles, lazzaroni and lazzarelle…
A commemoration of the arrival of Charles of Bourbon in Napoli (1734) and, after some disputes with the Church, he legalizes the game of the lottery but under a series of conditions… (the rest will remain to be discovered), and finally the lazzari and noble people will be able to play Tombola according to the original 18th century grimace.
Further information can be found on the Facebook page: Tombola Storica Napoletana del 1734. Places are limited.
For booking and reservations call +39 081 5528739, Or +39 331 89 23 006.
Associazione I Lazzari