Culture: the final awards of the Premio Penisola Sorrentina (Sorrento Peninsula Award)
The 28th Premio Penisola Sorrentina, included in the national plan of the MIC and the Film Commission Foundation of the Campania Region, ended at the Armida Theater in Sorrento. The television production of the event was signed by Mario Esposito for the Municipality of Sorrento.
Naples, November 1st, 2023 –
There were 2 great evening shows held as part of the awards ceremony of the 28th edition of the Premio Penisola Sorrentina, a project included in the plans for the promotion of cinema and audiovisuals of the Ministry of Culture and the Campania Region Film Commission Foundation .
Ribbon cutting, last Friday, with Giuliana De Sio and the Mayor of Sorrento Massimo Coppola for the presentation of the trilogy:”Viaggio di una bella storia italiana” (Journey of a beautiful Italian story), produced by Claudio Gubitosi of Giffoni Film Festival.
Numerous awards were awarded during the two days in Sorrento, in the presence of government representatives, actors, directors, film critics and industry insiders.
The recognition as film of the year went to “I peggiori giorni” (The Worst Days), by Edoardo Leo and Massimiliano Bruno, and to “Mixed by Erry”, the film biography of a family of metropolitan heroes (in negative), enriched by unique images and materials , the result of laborious interviews: Simona Frasca and Adriano Pantaleo awarded. The Frattasio brothers were also present at the show.
Award for audiovisual and innovation at the Mediaset docureality: “Il mio viaggio a New York” (My trip to New York) with Piero Armenti.
Lifetime achievement awards for Corinne Clery and Umberto Contarello, screenwriter of the Oscar-winning film “La Grande Bellezza” (The Great Beauty), of which this year marks its tenth anniversary.
The “Actress of the Year” award for television series went to Serena Iansiti, while Mario Di Leva was awarded as revelation actor.
The initiative made use of the media partnership of Rai Cinema Channel. The television production of the events was instead signed by Mario Esposito for the municipal administration of Sorrento, led by Massimo Coppola.