An emergency call to human awareness
For a long time he had been circling this decision. Finally, after the high school exam he decided to publish his first book: Il Silenzio delle Masse – Il riscatto della terra which is available on Amazon.
Luca De Cario comes from the neighborhood of Scampia, north-east of Napoli, a peripheral area that for culture and lifestyle is closer to the United States than to the heart of Napoli.
Growing up in a Pentecostal Evangelical family, he began to question about existence early on. He attended Human Sciences High School and he also plays soccer professionally. In fact, he is the first footballer who manages to put together a correct sentence in Italian! Even better, last year he enrolled in university and chose the Faculty of Philosophy at Federico II in Napoli.
L.D.C.: βMany people advised me against doing philosophy claiming that it would not give me many job opportunities. I chose to study philosophy due to my inclination towards this type of study. For example, if I had studied medicine or another scientific faculty after two, three months I would have started to get tired.β
The Italian good school has reached the pinnacle of decadence by focusing everything exclusively on what is useful and on the notionism. Students lack culture, analytical skills and critical sense. Luca is very concerned about the high level of dehumanization and social detachment. There is indifference towards humanity and unconditional exploitation of the environment.
L.D.C.: “It is difficult for us, as young people, to live in a society where everything is individual, where everyone thinks about their own business. There are no certainties in this society and there is nothing left. School institutions above all do nothing but keep kids away from study and society. They don’t lead them to be critical. Today’s generations towards others are completely indifferent. For example see the guys sitting in the bus and the old people standing. This leads to a disinterest not only in society.”
Being so sensitive to social issues Luca recalls the urgency to do something now, to become aware of the situation and to change the course of things. To sensitize his peers about this, instead of following the mass by opening an Instagram or Facebook channel, he has chosen to share thoughts and considerations with a book.
Between September and October 2021 during the last year of high school, he began to write down thoughts and reflections. Born a bit as a personal outlet, it then extended to social, theological and philosophical questions, unfolding the entire thought and concerns of the young scholar. At the high school exam, the Italian test concerned the same topics that Luca was dealing with in his writings. This was exciting surprise that led him to write more than 15 columns and to be the last to leave school. After this episode he decided to conclude his work to publish it.
Il Silenzio delle Masse – Il riscatto della terra is a sort of essay, a philosophical compendium, very suitable to the new generations. Starting from a critical analysis of today’s society, he takes a tough position towards the institutions. Retracing the thought of philosophers such as Spinoza and Nietzsche or even of sociologists such as Bauman, Beck, through many quotations, tries to bring the reader closer to critical thinking, to awaken in him humanity and the awareness of being in relationship with the environment and in relation to the community (understood in the broadest sense, i.e. humanity). His constant questioning about the different possibilities of resolution has an enormous weight. This is a heavy burden and a strong sense of responsibility that the institutions and the ruling class should assume. However, as a young intellectual, he participates in the betterment of the community.
Probably, as a first contribution, Il Silenzio delle Masse will not solve all the existential and social questions which have been demeaning the Western world for quite some time now. Certainly it will give many useful elements to those who feel disoriented and dejected, and who perhaps do not yet know philosophy, to start tackling the question and to build something good for the future, starting from everyday life. Luca studies the past questioning the present and wondering about the future, sometimes even forgetting to experience his own life. His strong interest in philosophy arose from reading Spinoza a philosopher who fully espouses his thinking. In fact, the Dutch philosopher’s concept of Deus sive Natura is the theme of his second book that is already in progress.
L.D.C.: βThere is an episode of my life about which I am writing a book. It is inherent in Spinoza’s theory of the Deus sive Natura. Studying the romantic poets but also observing more in detail nature with its movements, its developments. A doubt arose in me concerning this connection between nature and God. Furthemore the fact that nature itself is still undiscovered in the sensethat man is led to exploit it but up to a certain point. For example, look at the oceans of which only a percentage has been discovered… Maybe 60%? I can’t believe that all this perfection in nature, in its development, evolution and so on, came out of a big bang. From which my natural/divine creed derives.β
Life and death; the human being and the meaning of existence; the man’s relationship with what surrounds him and the divine; are all important themes unfortunately considered little or nothing.
The lies of the institutions and the antics of characters like Greta Tunberg who, instead of continuing to study, claims a pseudo “green” while drinking coke and turning on the air conditioning, are effective for confusing ideas and subject masses to the new markets.
Distancing himself from this shapeless mass, Luca reflects on the “killer individualism” that reigns throughout the Western world today. He does it through a critical analysis of man’s behavior and his choices. It is necessary to break the silence and stop the passive acceptance of this state of affairs, before reaching the total annihilation of nature, therefore also of human beings.
Il Silenzio delle Masse Il riscatto della terra (The Silence of the Masses – The redemption of the earth) written by Luca De Cario, is a manifesto book against that blind individualism resulting from liberalism and consumerism which are the opium of the people, a dark horizon which makes death certain – according to what the environment is representing day by day through endless catastrophes, and according to passive and conventional of the masses in attributing this to a divine entity that does not exist and that is to the governments. A reflection that embraces the field of philosophical, metaphysical and political knowledge, leaving ample space for a pedagogical consideration because it is the only source of salvation, and can make that individualism at the basis of all today fertile, and not blind selfish. A global individual passive nihilism that brings with it any actor and social part, so much so that we can say that “the Nietzschean prophecy” of passive nihilism and the advent of the last man has “come true”. It is no coincidence that the three Nietzschean metamorphoses will accompany the growth of reflection, because they are daughters of a thought towards man’s active being in the world, and which, in the light of the present, do full justice to a thinker who for years has been misinterpreted, but which today is anything but. A thought, therefore, deriving from a disconcerting global scenario, which inevitably tends to the formulation of views beyond the present, beyond that murderous passive nihilism of the whole world, towards the formation of an antithetical thought capable of generating a vital resolutive synthesis, starting from an assumption nowadays confused: man is a child of the earth and not the other way around!
Luca De Cario – Il Silenzio delle Masse Il riscatto della terra buy it here