A European final last night at the Tropis Hotel in Tropea where the award ceremony of the third edition of the Scholarship “Costruisco il Mio Futuro” in memory of Antonio Mamone was held, which ended with cheers for the conclusion of the match broadcast on the big screen.
Ready to face the tourism challenge? This is the question that Antonio Mamone constantly asked himself. Antonio passed away three years ago. He lived his being an entrepreneur with an eye always turned to the future, solicitous and close to his own territory and incessantly caring towards young people, so much so that he designed a stock exchange himself of study believing that “the best investment in the future was the one in oneself”.
The memory of Antonio by his friends is always full of emotion, emotion that involved not only his sisters, who attended, but also the mayor and the editor-in-chief of TGR Calabria Pasqualino Pandullo who coordinated the event with Karen Sarlo, journalist of Rai Parliament , and with the journalist Nadia Macrì.
“I grew up with Antonio, but I still don’t have the ability to share the most intimate glimpses of life, expressing some vivid memories – said Mayor Giovanni Macrì, a close friend of the entrepreneur Mamone and added – this award causes me pleasure because remembering Antonio is important, but at the same time it pains me because I have not yet realized his death which causes me a lot of pain. This scholarship, however, also leaves something to the city – concluded the mayor – because the basis of a tourist city are young people who welcome tourists, and their quality is essential to reach those levels and awards that Tropea has reached ».
In addition to the mayor Macrì, the mayors of the Municipality of Zaccanopoli, the Municipality of Drapia, the Municipality of Ricadi, the Municipality of Parghelia and the Municipality of Zambrone also took part in the handover ceremony, held in the Piazzetta of the Tropis Hotel.
In this edition there is also the collaboration with Randstad, a leading company in human resources services, to which the Mamone family has relied on for the realization of the practical test, a simulated job interview, with the aim of helping those facing the working world to have their personal goals clearly in mind and to take into account their attitudes, and which in the general classification had a weight of 35%. And in addition to Nicola Mastroianni, Unit Manager Randstad Italia, of the Lamezia branch, Silvia Testa, Director Regional, also arrived for the Delivery Ceremony, who reaffirmed that she recognized the ethical, cultural, social as well as professional value in the project.
“The Mamone Scholarship – said the DS of the IIS of Tropea Nicolantonio Cutuli – was attended by 52 young people out of 135 graduates and the novelty of the practical test has helped to further strengthen the skills of the young people, so much so that it has been included in their curriculum” .
Practical test that also obtained the consent of young fellows and in some cases overturned what in previous years was a foregone conclusion, based on an arithmetic average of the marks of the last 3 years.
And the Director Cutuli also withdrew the Alberobosco Award, a prize added in this edition that every year will award a person or a reality linked to the Scholarship, and assigned to the Higher Education Institute of Tropea “for the availability, sensitivity, spirit of collaboration and for having believed in and supported this project from the beginning aimed at the cultural and educational growth of our young people ». The Prize, a ceramic bas-relief, was created by the Calabrian artist from Cirò Vanessa Cariati who also created “Il Dono“, a work unveiled during the second edition that will accompany the scholarship over the years, receiving the “flower” and a plate which represents the handover of the students who have won the previous edition and during the year have used the scholarship which amounts to a total of 15,000 euros.
The six winners of the 2021 Scholarship were the protagonists of the evening, who did not hide their emotion, also for the words of affection with which the teacher godmothers described them accompanying them:
1. MARTINA CRIGNA from Zaccanopoli for the Liceo Classico;
2. FRANCO PIO PADULA of Tropea for the Scientific High School;
3. SIMONE FURCHI ‘of Tropea for the Professional Institute for Commercial Services – Tourism sector
4. GIUSEPPINA PUNGITORE of Tropea for the Professional Institute for Services for Food, Wine and Hotel Hospitality;
5. FRANCESCA RIZZO of Lampazzone di Ricadi for the Professional Institute for Services for Food, Wine and Hotel Hospitality;
6. SAMUELE LETTIERI of Parghelia for the Professional Institute for Services for Food and Wine and Hotel Hospitality.
While NICOLA MAZZARA of Tropea of the Evening Course of the Professional Institute for Services for Food and Wine and Hotel Hospitality has a Certificate of Merit.
The evening enlivened by the piano and sax of the Irmans Duo, Francesco Soldano and Pantaleone Clericò, ended with the launch of the touch of the young graduates and then all together with their eyes pointed towards the maxi screen to watch the game and rejoice together in the victory of Italy.