“‘E cucuzzielle’ a scapece” is a typical dish of Neapolitan cuisine that consists of round cutted Italian zucchine, first fried and then seasoned with vinegar, garlic and fresh mint leaves. It is an delicious dish whose characteristic and success comes from the sweet/sour contrast.
This contrast has been musically translated by Ascapece duo formed by Alfredo D’Ecclesis and Giampaolo Costantini, both musicians, as well as avid fans of Neapolitan cuisine. Ascapece have combined their talent, their love for classical Neapolitan songs and good taste, characterized by contrasts between sweetness and sentiment along with torment and pain.
ADE: “Giampaolo found the name. We like the sweet/sour contrast of “cucuzzielle ‘a scapece”. You can find similar contrast in Blues and Neapolitan songs. In fact the Neapolitan songs are sweet but very bitter, as well as the Blues is. “
The Neapolitan duo presents songs from the classic Neapolitan repertoire revisited in a bluesy key. The warm and biting voice of Alfredo and his passionate interpretation is always, “inevitably” Black! Ascapece’s first album features many pieces from the Neapolitan Sceneggiata such as “‘O Rre d’a Sceneggiata”(the king of the sceneggiata), “‘ O Treno d ‘o Sole”(train of the sun), “Passione Eterna”(ethernal passion), “Lacreme Napulitane” (Neapolitan tears) >>> (watch the video).
ADE: “We have revisited the classics songs that were considered more of B series, those that were rather snubbed. We have done a repechage of these songs, many of which are masterpieces written by great poets and great composers such as Libero Bovio or Alfieri for example. Since Gianpaolo is also passionate about Neapolitan Sceneggiata, we did a good research together. “
Ascapece’s first album is entitled “Bluesaddiruse presents Ascapece”. The cd is self-produced from A to Z. Physical copies of the disc were sold but soon will also be available online.
ADE: “We did everything ourselves, from the cd cover to the press and we will do the same with the second album. Who does it by himself makes it for three. When you talk to record companies in Napoli they ask you for money and you don’t know if they invest it well. Today things have got even worse. It goes into the paradox because they ask you for money but they take advantage of you and they really take you for a fool. This is very offensive. If we give them money that they don’t invest it then it’s better to do it by ourselves. So when we earn something we can reinvest it for the next record. “
Alfredo D’Ecclesis and Giampaolo Costantini both come from the band Bluesaddiruse. Alfredo is the voice, and Giampaolo is the bassist of the last official formation of the Neapolitan band. Gianpaolo Costantini, a member of the Soleluna band, joined as bassist on the second album of the band Bluesaddiruse. The feeling with the band leader led him to continue the collaboration in other projects and so Ascapece was born. Ascapece was originally intended to be a side project. In fact, it has become very busy.
ADE: “After a few evenings made almost for fun, the fans started asking for the record and in the end we decided to record it. Now I’m halfway through the recordings of the second Ascapece album “.
About Neapolitan Sceneggiata, Alfredo is a big fan of Mario Merola and Pino Mauro.
In addition to this genre, he also listens to other Neapolitan authors such as Sergio Bruni, Roberto Murolo, Nino d ‘Angelo.”
Every time Alfredo listens to a classic Neapolitan song he experiences strong emotions that he cannot define but that when he sings he manages to transfer you. Alfredo gives you a boost of emotions until you get involved and get passionate.
ADE: “I don’t know how do I feel. All I can tell you is that it takes me very hard. There are songs that when I listen to them they take me into a trance. They move something inside me to the point that when the song ends I need time to recover. I feel strong emotions, truly poignant. I feel such a strong pain and empathy. This happens when I listen to songs as well as when I sing them. You know that I am passionate about Mario Merola well, when I see his movies “‘E Figlie so’ Piezze ‘e Core”, for example, I am promptly moved. When I listen to Mario Merola a tear always falls… Almost the whole Neapolitan song of the past does it to me. Today’ songs … a little less. (smiles). “
In live performances, which unfortunately are few now due to the “color” restrictions of the Italian firm, the duo Ascapece proposes “Oh Lidia” and some other songs by Bluesaddiruse. A band that despite having failed to emerge, from the epic still has a good chunk of fans asking for their songs. And all the Bluesaddiruse songs will soon be available in digital distribution.
Now Alfredo and Giampaolo are in Napoli. Whenever the DPCM allows it, they perform on the street. You can find them in the historic center, or in Piazza del Plebiscito, on the seafront. Unfortunately, like all entertainment workers, they are experiencing a difficult time that they spend recording. However, for the future Alfredo considers possible alternatives.
ADE: “I am also considering to leave the city because it is difficult to live only on music in Napoli. If the situation will change maybe I would think again but for now I have to take precautions. This does not mean that I would leave the music on the contrary, I would probably do it with greater serenity. Now I make a record in 2 years, if I work and have a good job, maybe I will make the next record in a few months. “
Both Alfredo D’Ecclesis and Giampaolo Costantini also work on other musical projects.
Alfredo is collaborating on a poetry and music project with voice interventions by Alfredo, a project made together with a musician from Benevento.
Another project is about American cover songs readapted in Neapolitan language. They are songs revisited in a very prsichedelic electronic key that he still cannot define. At the moment they have only recorded 2 songs.
With La Terza Classe Alfredo has been in America four times and has toured with them almost thirty states.
ADE: “The Americans I have met were very hospitable and friendly. We were hosted by strangers who left us their house to sleep. They pampered us. “
During the last tour in the United States, together with the accordionist Damiano Davide, who like Alfredo often joins La Terza Classe, he sang two Neapolitan classics “Regginella” and “Passione”. Alfredo talks about the reaction of foreign listeners.
ADE: ”Americans, I mean Americans, not Italian Americans! and the Canadians too! They cried and hugged me. It was the last night and I was very emotional. Then in a short time, just before and during the tour, it happened that I lost both my grandmothers and I was far away and I was very sad because I am very attached to my grandmothers. It was a moment full of emotions. “