In Napoli there are two revolutionary initiatives, which, through resistance and participation, are raising entire areas from urban and social decay. Today they are a point of reference for the entire city. They are the associations Chi Rom E Chi No (Scampia district) and SMMAVE (Sanità district) and you will find out about them at the beginning of this edition.
Christian Leperino, president of SMMAVE, is the artist who created “Il Sogno dell’Eroe” a work that is part of MANN’s permanent collection, donated by the entrepreneur Gianfranco D’Amato.
With Leperino the great champion enters Olympus.
About El Pibe de Oro we also talk about it with the talented Iranian photographer Salar Charmi who also tells us about his career and life in the Iranian capital.
From abroad we tell of an emigrant who lived an extraordinary life, who loved Italy but never returned home.
There are instead those who return back home bringing the innovations discovered abroad. A Neapolitan guitarist is among the first Italians to have established his success on the web. His name is Vince Carpentieri and his YouTube channel is a successful teenager.
The Neapolitan theater of today has professional actresses worthy of the icons of the past. We interviewed the beautiful Ingrid Sansone on her career, about Napoli and about her memories.
A summary of De Filippo’s story introduces the interviews with the male protagonists of Sergio Rubini’s latest successful movie. Domenico Pinelli and Mario Autore describe themselves as men and as professionals.
Cheers to the season with the interview with Alex Frezza, bar tender and entrepreneur and founder of L’ Antiquario, one of the best 50 cocktail bars in the world.
Happy Spring and Enjoy Your Reading!
April 1st 2022 issue
magazine cover photo© Salar Charmi