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Napulitanamente is a magazine featuring Neapolitan heritage which, for historical and geographical reasons, extends its interests to the entire Mediterranean area.
Produced by Low Pulse Project, Napulitanamente is an independent, English written publication, founded in 2020, published by Low Pulse Project. Our aim is to spread the culture and the truth of our history by eliminating any misunderstanding spread all over the world.
Our website, is updated every day with contents featuring a wide range of articles, ranging from history, language, art, photography, theatre, cinema, music, philosophy, poetry, to sports, food & drink, lifestyle and business. Video interviews, and letters of immigrants from all over the world are also included.
Our printed version is released every six months. It offers a free preview of the first 8 pages, and it is available for purchase on demand with worldwide shipping ORDER YOUR PRINTED COPY
What makes Napulitanamente unique is the fact that we publish original content while always maintaining a very objective approach. This editorial project works as a beautiful showcase where, unlike other Italian publications in California, the promotion of emerging talents is completely free and is enriched through projects and events to increase their visibility. Furthermore, our website is powered by wind energy, which means it is 100% eco-friendly, truly green!
Our work of spreading culture and talent from the Mediterranean area has also been recognized and strongly highlighted by international media. Check it out PRESS
Every month, with 10K regular readers from all over the world and more than 19K followers on social media, Napulitanamente is building something solid and continuous, achieving great results.
In order to give exposure to business and projects from our territory we offer discounted full page ads to those, from Southern Italy, who want to get this opportunity.

🔵 Social media sharing: 6 shares for 3 months (2 per month) with tags.

For sponsorship options send your request to marketing@napulitanamente.com